Building on the success of their initial External Communications department’s digital signage system, implemented by Hammond, CCHS wanted to expand the network to include their Wilmington, DE cafeterias. CCHS’s existing process required Hammond to integrate a unique 21‐day repeating schedule menu, accessible on individual unique food station and master menu board units. Hammond’s solution expanded the Scala digital signage management software to include a password‐protected backend ASP.NET application.
The data is stored in a SQL Server database and is made available as JSON through a Web API to scripts running in Scala that pull the data into the digital menu boards, making the management of the menu boards a transparent and automated process for CCHS personnel. The solution automates the daily menu schedules, which increases administration efficiencies and improves the integrity of the information presented to their staff and customers.
Menu board data includes individual items, item descriptions, employee and non‐employee pricing, promotions, comprehensive nutritional information, healthy food legend, images and healthy picks of the day, associated with total calorie counts and more.